Explore significant solar events from the past that shaped our understanding of space weather, such as the Carrington Event and the Halloween Storms. These solar phenomena have had lasting impacts on Earth’s magnetic environment and technological systems, offering a fascinating glimpse into the powerful relationship between the Sun and our planet.
These myths and beliefs show how humans have always been intrigued by the night sky, and the lunar eclipse, in particular, has had a profound impact on storytelling, rituals, and culture.
On September 1st, 1859, (161 years ago today) a 33-year-old astronomer called Richard Carrington, working at an observatory in Surrey, England, went about his daily duties of sketching the peculiar dark spots that he had been witnessing transiting the Sun.
What a great way to celebrate the Sun's importance in our lives—a stamp series from the United States Postal Service. #SunScienceStamps #NASASunScience
On this day in 2003 (October 28), the Sun unleashed one of the largest and most geoeffective solar storms of the modern age (and consequently, one of the most studied).
On July 14 2000, the sun produced a spectacular show! Sunspot region NOAA AR9077 when it was close to sun center let of a BANG!!! It was what one might call a text book space weather event. First came the […]
With the approaching final launch (scheduled July 8, 2011) of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the end to the 30 plus year Space Shuttle program, it is a good time to take a brief fond farewell look at the Shuttle […]