Space weather includes any and all conditions and events on the sun, in the solar wind, in near-Earth space and in our upper atmosphere that can affect space-borne and ground-based technological systems and through these, human life and endeavor.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] What's happening on the Sun this week? Find out about our current space weather & what we can expect here on Earth. (Image: NASA/SDO)
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for February 2025. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for January 2025. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for December 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
Solar maximum, often shortened to solar max, is when the Sun's activity, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, is highest in number and strength.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for October 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for October 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for September 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for August 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for June 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for July 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for May 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for April 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for March 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for February 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for January 2024. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for December 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for November 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for October 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for September 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
Sun activity archive for August 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for July 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star. Image via NOAA, SOHO, and jhelioviewer.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for January 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star. Image via NOAA/ SDO/ and jhelioviewer.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for May 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star. Image via NASA/SDO.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for April 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star. Image via SDO and jhelioviewer.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for October 2022. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for February 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for January 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Sun activity archive for October 2022. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
[Alex on EARTHSKY.ORG] Aurora alert in effect for the next few days: the sun sent out a halo coronal mass ejection on November 2, 2021, due to arrive at Earth on November 4.
SDO and SOHO were not the only spacecraft to capture the spectacular eruption off the East (left) limb of the sun on August 24, 2014. The M5.9 flare (at 12:17 UT) from AR 12151 was seen by the STEREO SECCHI […]
01:22 UT – AR12113 produced an M1.2 flare that peaked in GOES X-ray at 00:26 UT Type II radio emission was detected at 00:29 UT. This emission is associated with a solar eruption and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection […]
NOAA active region AR12087 began making its activity apparent in SDO well before it became visible on the Earth facing solar disk. Solar flares from the region became visible in the first week of June. On June 10, the region […]
The CME is here! As predicted the CME from the June 4 filament eruption impacted Earth’s magnetosphere around 16:30 UT with a glancing blow and created a minor geomagnetic disturbance. The plot above shows the solar wind measured by the ACE spacecraft, […]
Geomagnetic storms continue while an eruption on the west limb of the sun brings a flare, protons and possibly another CME our way. Solar Eruption The sun erupted with an M3 X-ray flare (NOAA Scale R1-Minor radio blackout) peaked in […]
A CME from February 16, 2014 has impacted Earth. The CME’s magnetic structure was such that it stirred things up in the magnetosphere. A significant interplanetary shock detected by ACE at L1 at 3:10 UT, February 19, 2014. The […]
3 CMEs are headed for Earth with the first impact expected late on Feb. 14, 2014 for some Valentine’s day and weekend aurora! Space weather forecasters are waiting to see what is in store for this weekend. Three separate CMEs […]
There are two main active regions (ARs 11967/11968) on the sun and both are giving a moderate show. AR11967 continues to produce C- and M-level events, including an M3.0 flare at 07:14 UT Feb. 1, 2014. The region continues to show signs […]
CME may impact Earth on Feb. 2, 2014 according to NASA SWRC research models. At 16:11 UT Jan. 30, 2014, an M6.6 flare from AR11967 peaked in the GOES X-ray monitor. This was about 15 minutes after the completion of an […]
11 UT (11/19/2013) – Sunspot group AR11893 erupted producing a X1 solar flare peaking at 10:26 UT, Nov. 19, 2013. A 10 cm radio burst associated with the solar flare was observed at 10:20 UT. This radio noise is generally […]
A huge filament erupted from the sun producing a beautiful coronal mass ejection (CME) and solar energetic particle event. Around 21 UT, 9/29/2013 a filament erupted from the northwest quadrant of the sun. It started from the surface with a […]
This time a CME is headed directly for us! Around 5:24 UT (1:24 EDT), the SOHO/LASCO C2 instrument caught a first glimpse at a CME leaving the sun directly for Earth. The CME is traveling at a fairly slow ~610 […]
There may be a geomagnetic storm in store for Earth. Lookout aurora watchers! A filament ~50 Earths in length (~400,000 miles) erupted from the Sun’s southern hemisphere in the southwest direction around 7:24 UT (4:24 am EDT). The eruption produced […]
A long duration M3.3 flare with a beautiful eruption and CME! Active region AR11818 produced a flare peaking in X-ray at 18:24 UT (2:24 pm EDT). The eruption produced extended X-ray emission with another flare, ~M1.5 after the initial eruption […]
A filament erupted on the backside of the sun and was observed by the EUVI instrument on the STEREO Ahead spacecraft. The eruption produced a CME detected by STEREO-A COR2, STEREO-B COR2 and SOHO LASCO C3 around 19:24 UT, May […]
M6.5 solar flare, Earth-bound CME and a particle storm! AR11719 produced the largest flare of the year, an M6.5, peaking in GOES X-ray at 7:16 UT on April 11. First, we have a snapshot of the flare from the SDO/AIA […]
Look at for Aurora tonight and tomorrow at high latitudes! Yesterday’s coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to sweep past Earth in the last half of today (March 16, 2013) sometime around 18UT (+- 7-8 hours). Forecasts are from minor […]
At 17:40 UT, the Sun produced a C2 solar flare with a radio burst and a SCORE-C CME. NASA Goddard Space Weather Center predicts it will reach Earth 4/27/2012 at 5:49 UT with only minor impact. Currently, there is a […]
CMEs are on their way to us! Estimated impact is March 11, 2012 around 2-3 PM EDT. High latitude aurora watchers keep lookout the night of March 11, 2012. On March 10, 2012, the sun produced 1 C-class […]
Nature never ceases to surprise and amaze. Just when it looked like the geomagnetic storm from yesterdays CME impacts had fizzled out, Earth’s magnetosphere continues its upset state. Even before the Kp index (a measure of the […]
Sunspot group, AR11429 (Active Region), is at it again. When it first began its journey across the Earthward side of the Sun it released an M-class flare, an X-class flare and several more M flares, along with several CMEs. Early […]
Solar Activity Solar activity was at low to moderate levels, with occurrences of several C-class flares and three M class flares (see the list below). Quite a few slow to moderate CMEs were detected emanating from different regions of the […]
Saturday, October 22, 2011, started like most any other day, lots of activity of varying size and shape was occurring on the Sun. Most people looking at the Sun that day remember the spectacular lightbulb shaped CME that occurred […]