The unnamed region on the east limb has produced a 3rd X-class flare! (Updated)
11:44 UT – The NASA GSFC Space Weather Research Center has estimated that the CME will merge with CMEs associated with the 2 X-flares (X1.7 and X2.8) and may give a glancing blow to STEREO B (~05/15/2013 18:00 UT) and Epoxi (~05/16/2013 00:00 UT) and hit Spitzer (~05/15/2013 06:00 UT).
11:36 UT – The SOHO/LASCO C2 instrument observed a fast CME (~2200 km/s), non-Earth directed, associated with the X3.2 flare. STEREO Behind’s Cor2 alway observed the CME.
3:32 UT – The radio blackout has been downgraded to R1 as the flare continues to decay. It is now at an M1.4 level. Here is a video of the 3 X-flares, starting with the X1.7 flare and ending with the peak of the X3.2. The images are composite 131/171 Angstrom SDO/AIA images.
1:18 UT May 14, 2013 – The region that has produced 2 X-flares (X1.7 and X2.8) in roughly the last 24 hours has produced another X-flare, larger than the previous two. It peaked as an X3.2 flare at 1:11 UT. NOAA has issued an R3 radio blackout alert.
credit: NASA/SDO, NASA SWRC, helioviewer.org, NOAA/SWPC