AR12158 produced an X1.6 flare along with a coronal mass ejection. The flare peaked in X-rays at 17:45 UT.
18:20 UT (9/11/2014) – This movie is a difference movie created by Dr. Nariaki Nitta (@halocme) from the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL). A difference image is created when you take an image at a certain time and subtract another image from a time before it. This allows you to much more easily see change in a sequence of images. This is especially useful when looking at coronal waves in EUV images. Here we can see the wave traveling quickly across the entire sun.
11 UT (9/11/2014) – The CME associated with the X1.6 flare is estimated by NASA to reach Earth between about 4 UT and 21 UT on Sept. 12, 2014. The average arrival time is 13:40 UT on the 12th. The estimated disturbance is up to a G4 but a maximum of G2 is more likely. Here is a video of the NASA Space Weather Research Center model.
credit: NASA/SWRC
11 UT (9/11/2014) – Here is a look at the CME. LASCO C2 is shown first then LASCO C2 and C3 together. The event is repeated 3 times. The Halo CME along with high energy protons are clearly visible in the images.
20:20 UT – The eruption produced a fast, global wave across the solar surface. These are often called EUV or EIT waves. Also, area around the center of the active region became dark. This is because material is blown away from the area, leaving less material to emit EUV light or appear darker. This wave, dark area (dimming) and other radio data (Type II Burst) are all indicative of a CME, probably a fast CME perhaps several 1000 km/s or more. We will have to wait for coronagraph data to be certain but it looks like we have a fast, Earth-directed CME. The video shows the sun in the SDO/AIA 171 wavelength channel, the 211 channel then the 2 wavelengths combined.
18:30 UT – Here is a quick look at the flare up to just before the peak. The video covers 7 wavelengths from SDO/AIA, 304, 171, 193, 211, 335, 94 and 131 angstroms.
18:14 UT – A Type II Radio Emission alert was issued – The event began at 17:27 UT. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event. It provided an estimated velocity for a disturbance in the corona of a wapping 3750 km/s. This is not the velocity of the CME but indicates the CME is a fast one.
18:00 – Here is the flare near the peak of the X-ray emission as seen by SDO/AIA in 6 wavelengths. 1600, 304, 171, 193, 94 and 131 Angstroms.
17:53 UT – X1.5 flare underway from AR12158! Slap dab in the middle of the sun.