A fast CME associated with an M5 flare from early September 6, 2011. The observation is from the LASCO C2 coronagraph aboard the SOHO spacecraft.
At 01:50 UT, sunspot group, AR11283, produced an M5 solar flare and CME (coronal mass ejection) from near the center of the solar disk. The CME appears to be moving at an angle away from a path straight towards us. This means that while we may experience some impact its effects will be much less than if it was traveling straight towards us. Here is the event as observed by SDO/AIA in 2 wavelengths (131 and 211 Angstrom) along with observations of the CME in SOHO/LASCO C2 & C3 coronagraphs and the STEREO Cor2 coronagraphs from the Ahead and Behind spacecraft. It was a small to medium event and will probably have little impact on the Earth.