12:05 UT – X flare!!
An X2.2 solar flare from a new region (AR12087) on the southeast limb is underway.
The flare peaked in x-rays around 11:42 UT. Here is a snapshot from the SDO/AIA 94 angstrom channel with the GOES x-ray plot overlayed. The flare is so bright that it causes a diffraction pattern (cross shape) in the image. This wavelength shows plasma around 6 million Kelvin or 10.8 million Fahrenheit. NOAA issued an R3 level radio blackout, which is centered on Earth were the sun is currently overhead (North Africa). This temporary blackout is caused by the heating of the upper atmosphere from the flare. The blackout level is now at an R1 and this will soon pass. Other than the temporary radio blackout for high frequencies centered over Africa this event will not have a direct impact on us. We await more data concerning a possible CME but anything would more than likely not head directly towards Earth. credit: NASA/NOAA/SDO/GOES