C. Alex Young, Ph.D.
Co-Founder and Editor in Chief
C. Alex Young is a solar astrophysicist studying the Sun and space weather. Alex is passionate about sharing science with diverse audiences.
This led him to start The Sun Today with his designer wife, Linda. First through Facebook and Twitter then adding an extensive website thesuntoday.org, the two work together to engage the public about the Sun and its role in our solar system. This is not an official NASA site. Opinions and views expressed are by The Sun Today.
In his professional life, he is the Associate Director for Science in the Heliophysics Science Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
A little bit country, a little bit rockin’ roll. Well, not so much country but a lotta bit geek. Alex started this fan page because he has a passion for sharing his little bit of knowledge with all. He has some classic tendencies of sci-fi fan/crazy cat guy. From an early age, Alex was tinkering with his parent’s stuff taking things apart to figure out how they worked. This curiosity continued on into high school where he built his first laser with which he won an award in an international science competition. Alex received an undergraduate degree at Florida State University while working for the now-defunct Super Conducting SuperCollider. After taking time off to work in the mountains of New Hampshire he went to the University of New Hampshire to study Quantum Chaos Theory. Somehow he instead ended up receiving a Master and Ph.D. in high-energy astrophysics studying cosmic gamma-ray bursts and solar gamma-ray flares. In his spare time, he enjoys building a kayak in his garage. He also enjoys running, traveling, watching movies, and playing video games.
Alex is available for interviews and speaking. (Topics and Experience, Photo)

Linda Schenk, aka Virtuallinda
Co-Founder, Marketing Strategist & Designer
Linda Schenk (Virtuallinda) is co-founder of The Sun Today, an educational community on solar physics and space weather. She is also is a marketing strategist, designer & founder of Virtuallinda Creative.
The Sun Today is a virtual playground where she combines her interest in science with design & tech. Much of the brand has developed from her curiosity in how the Sun works, and how it connects to other elements in the solar system & beyond. She encourages people to #lookup, pause to observe, and ask “what is that?!”
Talking about the Sun creates an amazing connection between people of all ages. She’s talked to young kids, students, parents, family, friends, and even residents in a local retirement home. There’s something magical about seeing the spark of wonder and excitement in people’s eyes that turns into a smile on their faces.
She previously worked with the NASA Edge social media team to promote and engage with viewers during the live broadcast of #Eclipse2017 from Carbondale, IL, and for The Transit of Venus in 2012 from the top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
In her consulting business, she offers a blend of 30+ years of expertise in marketing, websites, brand identity, strategy, tech solutions, and more. She works with service-based entrepreneurs to start & grow their businesses. Linda uses a practical and flexible approach to adjust to changes in your business & life. Toolkits & done-with-you planning create your strategy, then other services are added to for a custom solution.
Linda works with service-based entrepreneurs to attract more ideal leads, 24/7. Many of her clients had some pieces in place, but something wasn’t quite working. Her experience helped them to quickly zero in on the next steps forward to align and refine their brands. She uses a practical and flexible approach to adjust to changes in business & life. A little bit of her help can save hours of frustration.
She enjoys walking, yoga, swimming, Zumba & NIA dance, traveling, and going outside to #lookup.
She is not affiliated with or endorsed by NASA.
Linda is available for consulting. Learn more at www.virtuallinda.com »

How The Sun Today began…

Linda & Alex met at NASA Goddard at the 2009 Yuri’s Night party. They realized they were both creative geeks who loved space.
While they were dating they combined their skills to create The Sun Today Facebook Page. It was exciting when it reached 5000 fans. Little did they know that it would become a big part of their free time & travels together.
They married in 2012, with a ceremony that included both Star Wars and Star Trek (and ABBA).
They are thankful for all the millions of people who have connected via social media, asking questions & sharing about the sun, space weather & amazing events like the #2017Eclipse.
Honors & Awards
Linda & Alex worked with NASA to promote the Transit of Venus by engaging
with our The Sun Today social media community. The team won two awards:
NASA Headquarters Team Award for the Transit of Venus EPO Team
NASA Headquarters
Transit of Venus Education & Public Outreach (EPO) Team – social media & live webcast. Supported the event with strategic planning, promotional graphics, engaging The Sun Today community & social media posts during the live broadcast from the top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii on June 5, 2012.
Robert H. Goddard Team Award
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Transit of Venus Education & Public Outreach (EPO) Team – social media & live webcast. Supported the event with strategic planning, promotional graphics, engaging The Sun Today community & social media posts during the live broadcast from the top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii on June 5, 2012.